New endpoints of version 2 of fapi, having better performance than the v1 endpoints:.New fields in responses to GET /fapi/v2/account and GET /fapi/v2/balance:.

New field "rp" for the realized profit of the trade in event "ORDER_TRADE_UPDATE".New field "m" for event reason type in event "ACCOUNT_UPDATE".Weights of endpoint GET /fapi/v1/income has been changed as 20.New endpoint GET /fapi/v1/adlQuantile to get the positions' ADL quantile estimation values.

#Binance documentation full#
In short, the full information of assets and positions should be obtained via the related RESTful endpoints( GET /fapi/v2/account and GET /fapi/v2/positionRisk), and the locally cached asset or position data can be updated via the event ACCOUNT_UPDATE in Websocket USER-DATA-STREAM with the information of changed asset or position. Position information of other symbols will no longer be pushed, even their positions may not be 0.Initialized "LONG" or "SHORT" isolated position of this symbol will also be pushed.If the change happens in "LONG" or "SHORT" position, the changed "LONG" or "SHORT" position of this symbol will be pushed."P" will push the details in the "BOTH" position of this symbol.When a position or the margin type of a symbol is changed: If none of the open positions change, the position "P" will only return an empty.Other assets and information will no longer be pushed even the balances may not be 0.Only this asset and its balance information will be pushed.Please notice: new streamlined and optimized push rules on event ACCOUNT_UPDATE in USER-DATA-STREAM The maximum stream number that a single connection can listen to changes as 200.New field "positionAmt" for position amount in the response to GET /fapi/v2/account.New field "marginAsset" for margin asset in the response to GET /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo.New endpoint GET /fapi/v1/commissionRate to get user commission rate.New endpoint GET /fapi/v1/continuousKlines to get continues contract kline data New fields in response to GET /fapi/v1/exchangeInfo: New field "estimatedSettlePrice" in response to GET /fapi/v1/premiumIndex.New field P for estimated settle price in payload of streams and New stream for continues contract kline.New field e for event type in payload of streams and !bookTicker.If fromId, startTime, and endTime are not sent, the most recent aggregate trades will be returned.If both startTime and endTime are sent, time between startTime and endTime must be less than 1 hour.Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades until INCLUSIVE. Timestamp in ms to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. ID to get aggregate trades from INCLUSIVE. Order, with the same price will have the quantity aggregated. Trades that fill at the time, from the same It is important to NOT treat this as a failure operation the execution status is HTTP 5XX return codes are used for internal errors the issue is on.
#Binance documentation code#